1. Business Registration Documents

In order to obtain a Jialian POS chine in Zhangjiakou, businesses need to provide their business registration documents. These documents include a business license, organization code certificate, and tax registration certificate. The business license is issued by the government and is used to prove that the business is registered and authorized to operate. The organization code certificate is used to identify the business, while the tax registration certificate proves that the business has paid all taxes required by law. These documents are required to confirm the customer’s identity and verify that they are authorized to operate a business in Zhangjiakou.

Additionally, businesses must provide their legal representative’s ID card and other relevant documents, such as a power of attorney or appointment letter, which verify their authority to apply for the Jialian POS chine on behalf of the business.

2. Financial Statements

Another requirement for obtaining a Jialian POS chine in Zhangjiakou is submitting financial statements. Financial statements are documents that detail the financial health of a business, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. These statements are used to assess the business’s ability to repay debts and their overall financial stability. Providing accurate financial statements is crucial to the approval process for a Jialian POS chine.

It is recommended that businesses submit their most recent financial statements, preferably for the last three months or more. The financial statements must be stamped and signed by a certified public accountant (CPA) and should include the CPA’s business registration number, stamp, and signature to be considered valid.

3. Terminal Placement Agreement

Businesses applying for a Jialian POS chine in Zhangjiakou must also sign a Terminal Placement Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the Jialian POS chine usage, including rental fees, return and exchange policies, and other regulations. The agreement must be signed and stamped by the legal representative of the business to be considered valid.


The Terminal Placement Agreement is an important document that protects both the business and Jialian POS from any misunderstandings or disputes that y arise during the usage of the chine.

4. Other Requirements

Aside from the documents mentioned above, there are other requirements that need to be met before a business can obtain a Jialian POS chine in Zhangjiakou. Firstly, the business must have a valid bank account with a reputable financial institution. This bank account is necessary for processing transactions de through the POS chine. Additionally, the business must have a stable internet connection and a space to install the POS chine.

Secondly, the business must agree to follow all relevant regulations and requirements set forth by the government, including data privacy laws and consumer protection laws. Violating any of these regulations y result in a fine or legal action against the business.


Obtaining a Jialian POS chine in Zhangjiakou requires businesses to provide their business registration documents, financial statements, and sign a Terminal Placement Agreement. They must also have a valid bank account and adhere to relevant regulations and requirements. These documents and requirements are necessary to ensure the safety and stability of the business, as well as the protection of their customers’ data and funds.

Overall, businesses in Zhangjiakou should carefully prepare and submit all the required documents to increase their chances of obtaining a Jialian POS chine and improve their payment processing efficiency.

POS机电量不足 1、假如您的POS机电量不足,种解决方式就是更换电池。POS机的电池一般是可拆卸的,您可以直接拆下电池,然后更换新的电池即可。不过,在更换电池时,需要注意电池的规格和型号,以免出现不兼容的问题。 2、假如您的POS机支持充电,那么您可以使用充电器来为POS机充电。一般来说,POS机的充电器都是附带的,在申请时就已经配备好了。假如您不确定怎么使用充电器,可以查看POS机的说明书或者咨询售后客服。 3、有些POS机可以通过USB接口来为其充电。假如您的POS机支持USB接口充电,那么您可以将其连接到电脑或者充电宝上,...

收银机怎么关机 1、首先须先启动TaskScheduler服务,按Win+R。输入services.msc,按回车键,在服务列表中找到该服务,双击,确认服务是启动的。 2、按Win+R,打开运行,输入at23:35shutdown-s,点击“确定”即可。这样当电脑系统时间到了23:35时,电脑就会自动出现“系统关机”的对话框,30秒以后就会自动关机,这30秒是为了让用户在关机前保存现在运行的工作,以免造成不必要的损失。 3、假如您需要电脑在1分钟以后自动关机,那么只需要在“开始”菜单中选择“运行”,然后输入Shutdown-s-t60,点击“确定”即可。这样电脑即开始倒计时,1分钟以...

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